Wednesday 3 September 2008



wood has been used as a structural material and as a decorative one for thousands of years, to provide things such as shealter, furintuer and dcrative peaces. wood is still one of the most widly used materials in the world with uses such as paper and other things. There are two differet types of wood around and they are soft woods and hard woods.

sourse of wood
wood is a natural resourcs and is found all over the world with different species found in loads of different places. The UK sources 80% of its wood from other places around the world. wood is also a reneable resourcs and so it wont run out but we have to keep planting now trees to keep it that way.

Softwood is a renewable source and if fairly easy to obtain. The trees are cut down and afterward new trees can be planted in place. The trees that yield softwood are fast to grow and therefore are easily renewable. However in some cases the trees are cut from forests in witch animals live and are not replanted, this causes problems with the ecosystems. When buying softwood it is important to check that it is from a sustainable source.


Hardwood, similar to softwood, is a renewable source however it is much harder to sustain as it takes much longer to grow; this makes hardwood much more expensive. Hard wood is sustainable but is often cut from no sustainable sources and again this has negative effects on the environment.

Types of Trees

There are two types of trees deciduous trees and coniferous. Deciduous: trees are known as broadleaf trees because the leaves are generally larger and wider than those of conifers. The larger leaf size means a greater surface area for photosynthesis, but it also mean the leaf is too fragile to withstand winter conditions. Therefore, most deciduous trees drop their leaves in autumn. Coniferous: trees keep their leaves throughout the year, shedding only the oldest leaves. Usually these leaves are lower down on the tree and do not receive as much sunlight as newly developed leaves higher up. Some of the best-known members of the conifer family are pines, spruces, firs, and hemlocks. The cones of the conifers are its flowers.

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