Monday 1 September 2008


The thing that I should never have bought was my massive blow up chair. When you first get it, it takes ages to blow up about 40 minutes to be exact and if you try to blow it up under you own steam it can get quite hard work.

Once the thing is finely blown up (and by the time it is you'll need to sit down) you will find that it is actually quite comfortable and it does take you weight very well but after a while it does start to deflate a little and you sink into it which makes it a slight challenge to get out again.

The chair itself is a very good design and when you sit in it your arms do fall upon the armrests and you sit in a good position to do many things. Also when its first blown up its head rest is it the right place and also supports you. But as time goes on and you start to sink in to the chair most of these things go down the drain and so you have to keep reajusting your self in it to keep doing what you doing. The chair itself is very big and it can barely fit on the floor of my room so it's a bit ungamely.

When I first bought the chair I got it for a gaming chair and in the beginning it suited the role very well until it deflates and you sink so far down you can't even see the T.V! It is also very prone to springing leaks and returning down to its size before you blew it up.

And that's why I shouldn't have bought it.

1 comment:

Lewis said...

hmmmmmmm, no coment